Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Anyone for a nice, warm cup of Globalization?

Ok, so I bet some of you are wondering just how much we are "roughing it" out here.
There are a lot more places like this on post: Taco Bell (are you jealous, honey?), Burger King, Subway, Baskin Robbins, Pizza Inn. If you don't want to eat in the Dining Facility, you have your choice of the many American restaurants at your disposal, and all run by foreign nationals.
Regarding hygiene, we have trailers with showers and sinks, but we're limited on water. Toilets are port-a-jons, but they're actually the cleanest i've seen in a while. Not too stinky!
The gym here is supposedly the biggest one overseas. Not bad, but packed most of the day. The only beef I have is with the internet situation. You can pay for wireless, but so many people try to get on that you end up like me, trying to get on at 2am local time! I tried to send Leslie a picture of the Starbucks here, but it won't load (prime example).
Of course, I could make the 1 mile trek to the internet cafe, but it's always packed and you can only get on for about 30 minutes, 20 of which are spent waiting for the next page to load!
If there are any other questions you have about the lifestyle over here, feel free to ask.
Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep. Oh, speaking of which, I sleep in a big tent (with air conditioning) with about 12 other guys. We're on cots. A lot better than some of the places I've stayed!
Take care.


April Dunn said...

Here I was all worried about you roughing it. It sounds more like you're in New York city, except for the sand, cots, and porta-potties!
I love you, I miss you, I pray for you!!!

Erik Mesing said...

Baby Boy-

You better put some SPF 50 on your bald head!
It's good to hear you made it ok man. We've been thinking about you and praying for you and Leslie.

Don't worry, I have been making fun of everyone at "the office"

I'm proud to be your friend!


katie said...

ok so i'm a little slow...i just emailed you and asked when you were leaving and how long you were staying...should have read first! MY BAD! anyway, i'm glad you made it to kuwait safely! thanks for all you're doing for us! you're in my thoughts and prayers!

katie k

Sweet T.E.A. said...

They have a starbucks there? Seriously! My mother-in-law thinks that Starbucks is taking over the world..maybe so! We are praying for you! Thank you for serving our country. You have a pretty strong wife too!