Thursday, February 19, 2009


Quick post (because I don't have much time):

One of the extra duties of a Lieutenant is Staff Duty. This consists of being the officer in charge of the Squadron at night and on the weekends. It usually runs about 24 hours, but you still have to work the next duty day (as well as DURING your shift). My first time on Staff Duty was last Friday - Saturday. I started at 0900 on Friday and worked until 0900 Saturday. Although you're allowed to sleep, some unexpected circumstances prevented me from doing so. In short, a soldier in the Squadron died in a car accident and I was responsible for waking everyone up and letting them know what happened. From the soldier's first line supervisor all the way up to the Brigade Commander, everyone has a role to play and there is a ton of paperwork that has to be filed, most of which I had to initiate.
On top of this incident, I've been tasked to take on about 3 different responsibilities, as well as cover down for my CW3, who is leaving the Squadron to attend an Army course in Aberdeen, MD. So, I now have about 6 different tasks I have to finish in a matter of about 2 days...and none of them are easy!!!
Take care and pray for me!

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