Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Branch Qualified

Well, today I am officially a Civil Affairs Officer. We finished up the culmination exercise (CULEX) on Sunday and spent the past two days tying up some loose ends before our graduation ceremony this morning. The past month has consisted of a lot of long days, filled with written examinations and practical exercises, all designed to provide us with the tools and resources needed to make an impact throughout our area of operations.
As I stated in the last post, there have been several phases of this process and I am now on to the last phase before deploying to Afghanistan. Tomorrow morning, 15 of us will make the long trek back up to Ft. Dix, NJ, where we'll continue to hone our warrior skills.
Leaving Ft. Bragg is kind of bitter-sweet because I know that I'm about to leave for a long time, but it also means that I am one step closer to be done with this whole experience. I take comfort in knowing that the good Lord will provide and protect me and my family throughout these difficult times. I want to serve my country; but more importantly, I want to serve my family and my God. Hopefully, by doing the former I am also doing the latter two.

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