Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Leslie and I are active participants in a bible study with Officer's Christian Fellowship. We meet every Tuesday night for dinner and "the Word", something we look forward to each week. For the next several weeks, we have split up by gender and us guys have started a study of 1 Samuel, what Lt. (Luke) Rella accurately titled "Bromance" study!
I think this is somewhat of an adequate title for what Wade described at the end of his post. In his words:

1. We need to be looking for who around us is in the stage we're moving toward and able (by this I mean willing) to bestow on us their time & talents; and
2. We need to be looking for who around us is in the stage we're leaving that we can lead.

Actually it's not THAT relevant to what he mentioned, but it's definitely a catchy title! What Wade's talking more about is the notion of mentorship, from either end of the phase. Although it might seem difficult to discern what stage another person is in, it's not inconceivable. It's very possible to find someone your age who's already been in the Cowboy stage and is moving on the Warrior stage. On the other hand, it's very likely to have someone your age that hasn't quite grown up yet. So, you can't always assume that someone your age is in the exact same stage of life as you.
Going back to the bible study that my small group is doing, I think looking at scripture is a great way to, especially with another man, is a great way to transition into or out of a stage. This "road" isn't meant to be traveled alone and I think it's something God EXPECTS of us. A prime example of this is the relationship that Wade and I have developed over the years. While there are some life experiences we share, there are several things that he's experienced already that I'm going through now. Relationships like these shouldn't be one person giving to the other. Quid Pro Quo definitely applies to "man-lationships".
Here's a question I would like to pose, it doesn't have to be answered, but definitely pondered: Is there anyone in your life that you think might be able to help you transition into another phase, OR someone you can help foster into your current stage?

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